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Welcome one and all to the Sproatley Parish Council Website

There is currently a Parish Councillor vacancy due to the resignation of Christine Tomlinson.

If you are interested, please apply in writing or email the Clerk by 1st November 2024.

Mrs Emma Mitchell

12 Constable Close


HU11 4XJ

Email –

Welcome to the website of Sproatley Parish Council
Here you will find the latest news and events in the village, information on some of the organisations and institutes within the village and information on some of the ‘hot topics’ raised by members of our community.
Sproatley is a thriving village with lots going on from yoga classes to toddler play groups. We have many local businesses and voluntary groups – in fact, something for everyone!
You can also find information on the Parish Council, what the councillors do and who they are.
If you would like to contribute with any comments, anecdotes, memories or pictures, we would love to hear from you. Please send an email to or use our contact page.
Parish Council meetings are held on the first Tuesday of the month(no meetings held in January & August), members of the public are welcome to attend.

If you wish to raise any issues please contact any of the Parish Councillors or Clerk at least 7 days prior to the monthly meeting for it to be placed on the agenda.


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Dog Fouling

We have received a vast amount of complaints regarding dog fouling.  We understand that the majority of dog owners are responsible, it is the small majority that are the culprits.  Please do the decent thing and clean up after your dog.  Please keep the village clean.




Notice Board


May we offer a warm welcome to everyone visiting the Sproatley Parish Council website

Next meeting date:

Tuesday 5th November 2024

Start time 7:30pm

Sproatley Memorial Hall